Wednesday, September 30, 2009

An On-Time Blog to Compensate for the Late Blog from Last Week

It's another "blog about whatever you want" week, so I'm hoping to be clever this time. I was really interested in the website Nate posted about using blogs to facilitate learning. Since I am not really very good at blogging yet, the information on the website helped me understand more about their educational value. I liked what it said about good writing habits, as well as good reading habits. I think that is one of the biggest benefits to blogs - there is always new stuff being added, so students have to check them regularly to see what's new. This definitely promotes good habits in that the students set aside time every so often to check the blogs they follow regularly. It's kind of like reading the paper, which is something teachers have been encouraging students to do for years. So, since we are supposed to blog in a different format this week, I think I'll go with "list" format, and make a list of different technologies that I know of, or am learning about, that can benefit students in some way

1. cell phones
2. iPods
3. laptops
4. blogs
5. wikis
6. e-book reading devices
7. PLNs
8. bookmarking sites like Delicious
9. social networking sites like Twitter
10. GPS devices

Feel free to share any others I'm missing. This exercise was just sort of a "brain dump" and an experiment in using a different blogging style, which was kind of fun.

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